Trekking is an activity that attracts many for the promise of adventure and connection with nature. However, several myths have been woven around this practice that can confuse or discourage beginners. Today we are going to debunk some of these myths and confirm the realities of trekking!

Mith: Is trekking and hiking only for people who are extremely fit?

Reality: Trekking can be enjoyed by people of all fitness levels. There are routes for everyone, from short, flat trails to demanding climbs. The important thing is to choose a route appropriate to your level and prepare properly.

Mith: You gear has to be very expensive or fancy to start.

Reality: Although specialized equipment has its place, for many routes you only need a good pair of trekking boots, comfortable clothing and a backpack. Over time, you can invest in more technical equipment depending on your needs and frequency of outings.

Mith: Trekking and hiking is always dangerous

Reality: While it is true that trekking involves some risks, most accidents can be avoided with proper planning, checking the weather, carrying the right equipment, and following signs and maps. Safety must always be a priority.

Mith: The mountains are only for young people

Reality: Trekking is an activity that people of all ages can enjoy. The key is to choose routes appropriate to your physical capacity and always respect the limits of your body.

Mith: If you can walk, you can trek

Reality: Although walking is the fundamental skill in trekking, the most challenging routes require specific physical and mental preparation. It is important to train and prepare to face varied conditions and terrain.

To conclude:

“Trekking is an incredibly rewarding activity that allows you to explore natural beauty at your own pace. We hope that demystifying these concepts will encourage you to prepare your boots and discover the trails safely and excitedly.

Inkati Perú works only with experimented and certificated guides, who were trained previously to make of your trip the best experience ever considering always your safety.