1. We strongly recommend you to take out travel insurance in your country when travelling to Peru. Travel Insurance generally protects you (depending on the policy) from expenses incurred due to flight cancellations, theft, lost luggage and general cancellation in the event that you are unable to carry out your trip as a result of illness or other serious, unforeseen circumstances. It can also cover your medical expenses during travel in case of illness or accident.
  2. In order to obtain the permits to visit various sites in Peru, your complete, correct personal information (name, passport number and date of birth) must be provided. Failure to provide these on time may result in our inability to attain permits because they are sold out. We are not responsible for the inability to purchase permits as a result of the late provision of information or for the issuance of incorrect permits as a result of the provision of incorrect information.
    C. Any price increases on train, airline, boat tickets as well National Park fees and hotel rates, between the time of booking and the time payment is made will be passed on to you.
    D. Please understand that there are certain hazards involved in adventurous holidays, which you must accept at your own risk. Inkati Peru is not liable for any illness, injury or fatality that results from participation in any activities or treks during the holiday, nor will it be liable for any uninsured loss of property.
    E. If you are unhappy with the services rendered during the course of your trip, you need to notify Inkati Peru immediately so that we may assist you to alleviate the issue. Refunds will not be granted after the trip has ended unless we are notified during the course of the trip.
  3. Peru services

 In some cases, a non-refundable advance payment of US$250.00 may be requested in order to cover initial tailoring services, as well as the time spent working on travel planning and design. This payment is entirely transferrable against the final cost of the trip. It is at the discretion of Inkati Peru  to decide in what cases this advance payment will be requested.


1) FITS (1-7 rooms)

▪ A non-refundable deposit of US$1,000 per passenger is due at the time of booking as an advance payment for travel planning services, plus any applicable vendor expenses, such as entrance fees, permits to the Inca Trail and any amounts required to secure bookings of trains, flights, cruises and specific properties and services.

▪ Final payment must be received no later than 60 days before the beginning of the trip. If for any reason, payment is not received 60 days before, reservations will be released. We will notify you in advance

▪ Bookings made within 60 days of travel require full payment upon confirmation
▪ Bookings including Amazon cruises made 95 days or less prior to departure require full, non-refundable payment upon confirmation.

2) For Groups of 8+ rooms

  • A non-refundable deposit of US$2,000.00 per passenger is due at the time of booking as an advance payment for travel planning services, plus any applicable vendor expenses, such as entrance fees, permits to the Inca Trail and any amounts required to secure bookings of trains, flights, cruises and specific properties and services.
  • The balance must be received no later than 75 days prior to departure date. If for any reason, payment is not received 75 days before, reservations will be released. We will notify you in advance.

If during the course of the trip, some individual members of the group decide for any reason to cancel the whole trip, no refunds will be given to those passengers for the unused services and/or accommodation.

Method of payment

  • Wire transfer in US dollars to a designated account. (All remittance costs including correspondent banking charges must be covered by the sender)
  • Details will be provided with the Invoice.


Our Policy may change from time to time and all updates will be posted on this page.